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Break Rules and Stay Focused to Get What You Want |
When you want something your focus should only be on getting that and if you have to break rules in the process, do it. Like Simon Sinek, the writer of New York Times bestseller ‘Leaders Eat Last’, did when he was with his friend in a marathon. They were serving free bagels and people were in line to get one. He and his friend both wanted to have bagels, but the huge line was a deterrent.
Simon was focused on getting a bagel, but his friend was more concerned about the line. So, what you see is what you will get and also if you see the process is too long or tiring to achieve something then you won’t be able to achieve it.
Your focus should be on the goal just like how Simon was and of course, he went ahead managed to get a bagel. The best part was he got his bagel without standing in the line. He just put his hand between two people and grabbed the bagel. So, as he says, be willing to break the rule in the process. He said, of course, he didn’t get to choose the bagel because whatever came in his hand he had to eat that but then he didn’t have to stand in the line either.
The second thing Simon says is ‘train your mind’. Athletes in the Olympics were once asked whether they are nervous and the reply was a big NO. In reality, if you notice your body’s response to both excitement and nervousness is the same. Your heart rate jumps, cortisol increases and you feel a strong emotional response. The only difference is the anxiety or being nervous is a negative emotion and excitement is a positive emotion. So, these athletes have trained their minds for excitement which in turn helps in remaining focused on action rather than procrastinating. So, whenever you feel nervous just tell yourself that you are excited, and this way you will train your mind to focus better and perform better.
The third thing is to be patient. People frequently ask about passion and they look for answers from someone else. They do something and expect to know about passion almost instantly, but unfortunately, it takes time to know about passion and what kind of work gives you real joy. You have to spend time and energy, that too for a long period of time regularly, to know exactly whether you enjoy doing it or not.
I finished my medical studies and now I am a doctor. But, I wanted to try something else so I started my diamond jewellery business. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if I will be passionate about it or not. I just wanted to start my business and I did that. Eventually, I realized that I was falling in love with my work. Frankly, I was never a jewellery kind person but yes when I got into it I loved it.
So, you also have to be patient and open while trying to find your passion. If you are interested in knowing how much time it takes. Frankly, I don’t have answers. But, my interaction with successful professionals suggests that in some cases it could be instant in others it might take months. Be active and engaged with focus, you will get your answers and start loving what you do.
Once you have your answers, just realign your mind to focus more on action than reaction. Success will kiss your path and you will achieve the glory.