Make Most Out of Today’s Situation

Make Most Out of Today’s Situation

I might be the odd one out who is enjoying the lockdown. My sense of joy is coming from the fact that I am focusing my time and energy on productivity enhancement and doing things I love doing without a sense of guilt. Whatever you wanted to do, whether reading your favorite books or simply learning the art of meditation, now you have enough time to do things you wanted to do but couldn’t due to lack of time. I can vouch from my own experienced gained in the last few days that this is a perfect time to do all those things which you yearned to do in the past.

We all are conditioned to keep the mind busy. In the absence of regular professional and personal
engagements, your mind will likely start behaving strangely and show panic reaction even in response to very normal triggers. It is rightly said that empty vessels make more noise. Unoccupied minds start behaving like empty vessels and ultimately you will accentuate the stressful situation.
Most importantly, no matter how much you love your family; you are not mentally wired to live with them for long uninterrupted hours for several days in continuity. There is bound to have conflicts as your professional approach will not be acceptable on the home front. Same is the situation with couples, as husbands are free at home, and wives are busy doing routine house works. In the absence of regular work, husbands start behaving awkwardly.

Since nobody is allowed to go out during lockdown, there is no social engagement or any scope of going out to chill and relax. The best possible remedy to maintain a healthy and joyful atmosphere at home is to keep your mind occupied in things that you wanted to do in free time. You have access to all sorts of information online to learn whatever you wanted to learn in the recent past.

It is not about ‘what to do’, just do anything that keeps your mind occupied. But be selective and keep the learning and outcome aspect in mind, because the sense of wastage of time will stop you from trying again. If you wish to binge watch TV series then do watch things that give you a feeling of empowerment. I just watched sitcom Limitless and to my surprise, I felt very positive and limitless.

In changed situations and context, your emotional reaction will play a very important role so you have to be very cautious in handling emotion, especially when engaging with spouse and kids. In the absence of regular engagements, several hidden emotions from past might surface and this could disrupt your normal thinking process.
You have to keep your emotions in check and the best way to do so is to keep yourself busy doing creative things.
Having enough time doesn’t mean you have the liberty to waste it, because priorities might have changed but you have your own limited time. Whatever you plan to do, be it watching TV series or TED Talk shows or simply joining some online courses, you should keep value-addition factor in your mind.

Keep the right balance between serious and non-serious elements and allocate time accordingly to have the right mix of learning and laughter.

I love watching Friends, Seinfeld, and Simpsons as these keep me happy and help in managing stress.
The laughter in the company of family members works like wonder.

We all are facing an unprecedented situation and nobody knows how to deal with it, especially when life is under threat of a deadly virus. We all love freedom, but it is time to be responsible. It is all about your approach towards life, so make mental and social adjustments and keep yourself busy in doing things that bring joy not only to you but your loved ones as well. Enjoy your moments, that is the ultimate mantra.

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