person with mask
Credit: NEOSiAM 2020

Lately, I’ve been pondering over one’s craving to live, as opposed to merely exist. Collectively as a race, we’re conditioned to function in survival mode. We constantly worry about our past, our present and our future. Amidst the rat race, pretence friendships and instagrammable lives, we deprive ourselves of profound connections.

Post this realisation, I ensured to break the pattern and be my authentic self in front of others. Not only did it put my mind at ease, but also motivated people around me to let down their emotional guards. An insignificant change on my part helped deepen my relationships and made my life simpler. As Gary Vee puts it, life is tiresome for a selfish person, whereas it’s plain sailing to be selfless.

Recurring thoughts of agony and distress are the red flags we need to alter our lifestyle. We constantly burden ourselves by internalising our thoughts and emotions. This leads to unnecessary suffering. On the contrary, sharing our feelings with another person helps our body unleash a hormone called oxytocin, which makes us feel deeply connected to them. Being there for somebody during an emotional time enables our body to release antibodies that strengthen our immune system. Endorphins get released every time we help somebody, resulting in a natural high. This is commonly known as the helpers high. Supporting one another unleashes dopamine hormones, mostly released during sex or while savouring food. It’s clear that in helping others, we’re also helping ourselves.

In a superficial world like ours, let’s choose instead to be authentic and compassionate. Let’s focus on creating lasting relationships that surpass fickle affections. Be certain, our acts of kindness will come full circle and establish a happier world for you and I.

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