The Power of Imagination

The Power of Imagination
The Power of Imagination

The power of imagination is the biggest differentiator between humans and other species. We all are over 99% the same genetically, but it is worldly training that makes naturally inquisitive mind more sharp and intelligent. Emphasizing the need for social conditioning in building the power of imagination, the greatest mind of the earth ever had Albert Einstein rightly said that if you want your children to be intelligent then read them fairy tales and to make them more intelligent let them read more fairy tales.
Einstein was well aware of the fact that early age sparks to imagine makes one more curious and prepares him to explore uncharted territories. Imagination takes you beyond the traditional thinking and you start finding answers for unsolved puzzles of the world and beyond. Your imagination helps you get out of the mental clutter of the past and you start thinking afresh to seek answers from a new perspective.  Emphasizing further Einstein said that imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming.
From a psychological perspective, imagination is “the ability to form mental images, sensations, and concepts, in a moment when they are not perceived through sight, hearing or other senses.” Just dig a little deeper and you will find an imagination at the core all scientific innovations.
Imagination takes you beyond the physical realm and you visualize things that don’t even exist. This power of imagination equips you with the mental capacity to shape your imagination into a reality. Exposure to fairy tales and Sci-Fi movies like Star Trek and Avengers series pushes you to think beyond as you see things that don’t exist in reality. It is like living in the future.
Can you imagine that there is a 1920s play titled R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots) written by Karel Capek in which he writes about the lab-made human-type robots? The famous Will Smith movie about robots is also on the same line in which humans use robots to manage work. Just like the 2004 movie, titled i.Robot, now we have our first humanoid robot Sophia developed by Hong Kong-based company Hanson Robotics. They introduced the robot to the world on 14 February 2016. So, it is human imagination which helps us think beyond the natural and create something extraordinary.
In fact Amazon, the eCommerce giant, is aggressively using robotic technologies to handle labor-intensive works in logistics. The innovation-driven approach keeps then ahead in the game. The online marketplace, virtual personal assistant ‘Alexa’, audible eBook, and Amazon Prime are just the early manifestation of that power of imagination. That’s not all; the sheer power of imagination and futuristic orientation led to the foundation of Blue Origin-- an aerospace company with a mission to send people in the space. It is the power of imagination and innovation that made Jeff Bezos the richest man on earth.
For the scientific community, the human brain is still an unsolved puzzle as we don’t know much about how the human mind thinks and what influences the intelligence level of an individual. the latest research suggests that the process of imagination in highly complex and multilayered. the human brain triggers imagination in the alpha state. So, if you wish to strengthen the power of imagination then you should meditate more and go in a deep sleep. When your mind is relatively silent, free of sensory clutter, you get your best of ideas. You must have heard people saying that they found a solution while sleeping. Strange, isn’t it?
The lack of sensory inputs gives your brain the much-needed free space to think afresh without loads of conditioning. The high receptivity removes all judgment biases and constraints of logical thinking, thereby allowing creativity to flourish. This creative spark works like wonder in innovating something extraordinary, which otherwise remains in shadow on logical thinking. It is the imagination that keeps you ahead in the game. So, don’t underestimate the power of imagination. Practice meditation and live a healthy life for sound sleep so that your mind could achieve the state of trance for limitless imagination. The passion to acquire knowledge is important, but it is more important to have the power of imagination.

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