How to Gain Confidence in 5 min

gain confidence: Power Pose
Gain confidence: Power Pose

The overall well-being of an individual is all about the right balance of mind, body, and soul. It is also a fact that the perfect life-long balance of the trio is a myth because we live in dynamic space and we get influenced by this dynamism. But, we can achieve the desired speedy adjustments with the dynamism through active mind-body coordination, because the body has the ability to change the mindset. In Tony Robbins’ words, the first thing he does is the series of exercises to be in a favorable mindset.

It doesn’t matter how I am feeling, says Robbins adding that he changes his feelings by doing few things on a regular basis. He jumps on a trampoline every day and also meditates to find the mind-body coordination. If you want to see how it works, just laugh for 2 minutes whenever you are in stress and you will see the magical transformation happening almost instantly. It is not just about doing while in stress, regular loud and open laugh triggers endorphins—the happy hormone- in your brain and you build a stronger mindset to endure the stress of higher and higher intensity. High endorphins production balances the cortisol production, which in turn helps in controlling stress. So, whenever you feel you are under stress or feeling nervous, then just smile you will feel relaxed and gain more confidence. 
Smiling does wonder, but if you want to build confidence the second most effective thing to do is to put hands on top of your head. This powerful pose boosts the testosterone hormone level-- the natural alpha hormone known for its confidence-boosting capabilities. It has been proven through several studies that all leaders with high confidence levels have higher testosterone and lower cortisol levels. This miracle hormone helps you overcome fear-induced anxiety, thereby equipping you with a mind-frame to take a risk and to handle stressful situations calmly.
Power and High Power Pose
Power and High Power Pose

Experts are of opinion that body language and posture could be of great help in stressful conditions like job interviews of public appearances. One experiment of the powerful wonder women pose standing with hand on side of hips, high chest, and high head showed an amazing boost in confidence. If you are about to face such a situation, just do this pose for 2 minutes and you will feel the change within. Your high confidence level helps you win the trust and ultimately you achieve your goal. It is again the play for testosterone and cortisol.

Have you ever noticed the common body language of winners across all sports? Yes, you are right, I am talking about the hands going up to celebrate the victory. Although not trained to imitate like anyone else, it happens automatically. The only reason is the sense of overcoming challenges and being superior in doing so. No compare this posture of the winner with the posture of those who couldn’t make it. The closed body with heads looking down is nothing but acceptance of defeat. That’s the way the human body and mind works in coordination.

You can change your mindset pretty easily by increasing the metabolic rate by stretching your body. If you are heading for any important event, a little metabolic activity will trigger your happy hormone and keep stress under check. If you are sitting for long hours, keep your body posture open and wide. Of course, you are not supposed to go beyond the decency level. Your spread hands are more than enough to show your confidence. These body postures reorient your mind to release the right hormone in the right balance to keep you in the game. Frankly, it won’t happen in a day. Just like any other skill, you have to practice to make it your natural habit. Be regular, that is the only possible way to achieve a higher threshold.

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