Just Be Honest With Yourself

Just Be Honest With Yourself
Just Be Honest With Yourself

The problems we face in our life are mostly because of the fact that we are not true to ourselves. Whether it is about feeling or about something we like. We are uniquely conditioned to be hyper-protective about our actions and reaction. Even before you acknowledge your feeling, the brain starts counting the pros and cons. Your thinking process starts prejudging outcomes related to feeling or liking. The conditional pre-judgment acts as a barrier in your path to be true to yourself, as you try to reorient and readjust actions according to the demand of the situation. The moments you allow external players’ opinion interfere in your thought process, you actually move away from the original self. Although the root cause is the lack of confidence and understanding, you should not allow external factors to overshadow your true self without sacrificing the art of filtered listening.
Our thinking process is highly complex and multilayered. Your happiness depends on how you think and how you decide to act. The sense of being true to self gives one the ultimate joy. The best possible way to achieve this state of mind is to shunt the external voices. Bypassing external voices lets your thinking process evolve from the core of your true self. By doing so, you protect yourself from the barriers of prejudgment. In real terms, this is called independent thinking as prejudices don’t find space to play a role. If you are going to give too much weight to what society thinks or will think, then you have to sacrifice your true self and that is a huge cost. You won’t ever be able to feel the real joy of being independent.
I can say it from my own experience that one of the best possible ways to build the habit of independent thinking is to prioritize time smartly. My strategy is pretty simple, and that is to stay away from unnecessary clutter. I learned the art of saying ‘no’ to too many people and saving maximum time for self. Frankly, it is not an easy thing to do because you might be characterized as a loner without friends. But, the reality, at least in my case, is that I love being by myself. I learned the hard lesson of being independent and true to self because it is the most effective way to give 100% with unlimited joy.
Honestly speaking, it was very difficult for me to make people understand what I am and the way I prefer to live my life. The fun part is that people started judging me based on their predefined social parameters and ultimately they start showing sympathy, for God knows what. Not going for weekend binge parties and spending time with the inner self is just the opposite of the popular sense of mental freedom.
Tough choice, especially being a part of the younger generation, but I am happy about my choice as it transformed me totally and I can say it proudly that now I am more free and true to myself. In just a few days you will realize the change in your observation, analysis, and interpretation skills. In my case, now I am considered as a person of deep thought who could be relied on for sharing problems with the hope of getting neutral advice. Frankly, I was a bit surprised by the way friends started treating me because I was not used to such responses. But, I realized that those ‘thank calls’ were the ultimate source of joy for me. 
All this became possible because I could manage to build harmony with my true self. The inner harmony relieved me off prejudices, giving me the freedom to observe neutrally and understand things in the right context. The prioritization of time to be with self helped me build a strong relationship with myself which in turn helped me be more accommodative without preconditions.
If you want to feel the beauty of being with self, then use the gift of lockdown to be in sync with your true self. You have enough time now to know how you feel and what you want. All you need is the art of looking inside and find the ‘I’ to be in harmony with nature. Since you are not in touch with the external world, this is the perfect time to be true about your feelings and likings. Do your best and forget the rest.
You need to be realistic about the future, because the world is not going to be the same after the lockdown. Be it home or workplace, the sense of freedom will change and you need to reorient your approach according to evolving conditions. I personally feel that self-isolation has forced people to look inward and this will have transformative effects on the overall system. In days to come, people will become more aware of the other person's vibe because this lockdown is making some changes in the way you think about self and others. Your changed energy level, thinking process, and behavior with changing your approach towards life, and accordingly your friend circle will also change. Since the scenario isn’t going to be rosy, people would love to be surrounded by genuine and true people. So, the best possible way to be joyful is to be true to yourself.
Like it or not, emotional and mental health is going to be the most important thing in the coming months. So, use your time to be with yourself and learn the art of neutral observation. Your genuine approach towards life will be only guaranteed to have a healthy relationship with family, lover, and friends.  Your true and authentic life will help you build a strong foundation with yourself and which in turn will help you form a strong bond in all areas of your life.
Smartness is in seeing things in the right context and use resources as the situation demands. As of now, you have enough time, so the situation demands to use the available time in building your inner self in sync with reality. If you are confused about, how to begin then just start journaling about just your feelings, without any precondition of right or wrong judgment bias. Feelings are just an expression of emotions, beyond the realm of logical judgments. Let it happen without any apprehension, that’s the way you move towards true self. Once you are there, you will know what real joy is.

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